Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The aftermath!


So after finding out about my husband yesterday I drank everything I cud find in the house....stupidO .. And then had to go riding this morning...riding had and tender head, not cool!

I feel so deflated...it's not even that bad but I feel drained and worn down. I can't even b bothered to feel. I can't eat which is always a plus. I feel like iv been up all night crying.... And I haven't quite. The thought of him coming home and us playing happy family's like we have for the past few years just makes everything feel so damn pointless. Like what the point, ultimately I am wasting away my time...why...coz of the kids, coz it my whole life, the habits of day to day existence. Because I have no where else to go..... Is a mix all these things, but today I just feel down and moody, and pointless.

Stay strong and keep smiling.

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