Friday, 11 January 2013


I want to be toned, and stunning, and have the thigh gap, and not like food, and say no without even thinking. I want be able to run for hours without dying, I want to not be able to push my thighs together no matter how much I try, i want my husband to be able to pick be fuck me without straining and me feeling like a fat bitch, I want to fit into my jeans that hang over my door every day to remind me what iv done to my body, I want to feel sexy and wanted. I want to be able to wear a really short skirt without looking slutty, I want to be so busy I'm not even bothered with food. I want to be able to do more sit ups that my husband, I want to be delicate and beautiful, I want to not have to worry about what I wear, I want everything to look good, I want to be able to sit with no rolls of fat, I want to be effortlessly thin.

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