Saturday, 19 January 2013

Late weighing?

I always wake up, go to the toilet, strip and weigh, then weigh again to b sure. This morning

170.8 ( yes yuck) but....

I hurt my leg last night, and spent the night in A&E and got home after 8am!! I should of weighted then, but I went to sleep and got up at about 1.30pm so I weighted then. I will have to weigh tomorrow and see if its the same. I'm gutted, it means I won't be able to ride for a while, or do any proper exercise. I have very badly sprained my knee... It has swollen and tuned a lovely shade of black!

I have been observing people today....and how they can put things in their mouth without concern,
They don't appear to b weighing up the pros and cons, or deciding how they will balance the day and what they will eat, and this isn't just fat people, its skinny people to! They just eat what they want when they want, it's not fair!

All I want is to be thin!,!

And this is my year!

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