Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I can spell really!

So here goes for an INTRODUCTION :)

This blog is really a diary for me, on my weight loss journey. With some anonymity. It is very rare to be able to be completely honest, without the fear of judgement....and yes judgement happens, but here it doesn't matter quite so much.

Ok, so right now, stark bollock naked I am 174.4 lb! That is fucking disgusting. There we go about honesty... I couldn't tell a soul that. Of course those with eyes can see for them selves. My goal weight is 140, and them 130, then 120. But first 140. So that's 37.4 lb to loose to start with.

I'm pretty pissed off with myself, I've been here before....180lb and I got down to 130. I must of got complacent. I have thyroid issues which don't help, but the percentage of responsibility is far smaller than I'd like to think. I am just greedy.

I have done a fair amount of thinking and I have a very chaotic mind, and life. I often have so much to do, or think about I stop to eat something, just to stop, to be quiet for a minute. I am lazy, and laziness breeds tiredness and kills motivation. I also eat when I don't know what to do, when I feel overwhelmed. And then I hate myself for it.....and by the way, I am an adult and should know better.

So in a minute (as always) I'm going to get up, get dressed and go to the shop. I am going to buy pears, lettuce, celery, carrots and crackers. This is my lunch. I will eat a fruit bar before I go. 97cals.

Dinner is a challenge, I'm with family at the moment, for Christmas. And I kinda get what I'm given. I will eat no more than 2/3s of it.

I can have 1 fat free yoghurt, one pear, one options hot choc and as much camomile tea as a girl can drink!!!

My goals for today,

No unplanned foods
Phone doctors


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