Tuesday, 8 January 2013


As I've said I'm staying with family... And as such I am at the mercy if someone else as to what and HOW MUCH goes on my plate. I mean seriously... Who eats a whole tin if beans and 4 slices of bread for dinner!! And there is so many of us here its a nightmare trying to hide anything. As I speak I am in a room with 9 other people!! I am an adult now, and should be able to be make a choice without feeling stupid for it!

Why is it that when people feel inadequate thy try to make up with food. My dad try's to feed me and my mother try's to buy me.....hence my new iPad. Unfortunately I have only seen her once in the last year or so. My mothers relationship with food is not so great either, maybe that's whys she doesn't feed me. Are family's always a mess on the inside?..

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