Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Breakfast: fruit bar 98 kcals

Lunch: salad (lettuce,carrot,celery,) tiny handful of pumpkin seeds and some low cal salad cream. 250 kcals

Dinner: beans on toast 250 kcals

I know I've over estimated, I always do. Better to over estimate rather than under estimate. I've walked about a mile and a half today, not very far but there's it a lot to do. I love being home with my family, but its hard not being able to do anything I like. And always being in someone else space. And it's a freeking nightmare having someone else cook most of the time. And I have to just fit in, I'm veggie so that makes it difficult enough. I don't like being difficult, so usually I just be quiet. Stupid really!

So how do I go about getting this blog actually seen? I'm not sure if I want people to read it, but then it would be nice to speak to people in the same situation. And motivation when it's needed.

Anyways, I will have a 100cal yoghurt later and a 50cal hot choc so my total for to day will be.... 750 cals

Will date soon... Lets see if I can find some people :)

Thighs and abs is where it's at!!!!

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