Tuesday, 9 April 2013


163 ..... All that was lost has been replaced.... Most depressing.

So although I swore never to again I'm am embarking on a water fast. Only for two and a half days. Weds, thurs, then I have kick boxing on Friday, so one hr before I go I will eat one banana, and have a small handful of nuts when I have finished. Then Saturday I will eat only raw, so salad, fruits and nuts. A small amount of avocado to. Then Sunday I go out for Sunday dinner, and I wud look weird if I didn't eat. However I am vegetarian and so only have veg and potato. I will only have a very small amount of potato tho, as the friggin ladle the butter in it o.O Then I will have fruit in the evening.

Monday I plan to go to three eating times a day, without stretching my stomach back to its inflated, hugely accommodating size.

I know it's hard, but I have done 14 days on just water before, so it's defiantly manageable. My problem is maintaining control once I begin to eat again. I will be posting as I go, to keep me motivated. I feel so deflated and wobbly at the moment. I self harmed yesterday evening, not badly, but I havnt done it for three years. I don't feel bad about it but I'm not doin it again. This body has enough scars and I have kids that would be scared confused and completely alienated if they ever were aware of it. I need to get a grip of myself, get some self respect and stop doin things that make me unhappy.

Pure clean empty

Any comments or followers would be appreciated about now :)

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