Thursday, 11 April 2013

Day two :s

162.8 I want under 50 by next tues.

So I had to kind of break my fast today. I woke up with shakes and slight sweats...nothing major. Iv always got the shakes in the mornings on water fasts but today I felt extremely sick! By 10 am I was even worse, and I have two kids to look after. I cannot make myself ill for my own selfish reason so I decided to eat one banana. I immediately threw it up. I was expecting to feel better
Pretty fast but I just felt worse. I was a bit worried that I wasn't going to be able to keep anything down. I ate a slice of bread with a tiny bit or spreads cheese. Figured the protein might help me feel better. That came up to, but not all of it I don't think, and less I'm back on water. I feel less ill, still not quite right but able to function.

I'm not impressed, iv done days and days on just water and never been sick like this. I just hope I start to feel better soon. More water :)

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