Monday, 4 March 2013

Been absent

163.4 slow progress but still fat as fuck!

Iv been busy with everything, riding, kids, bla bla bla. Iv also been in a mild state of depression and motivation for anything has been a challenge. My house has been awful, but I gutted it and scrubbed everything and feel a million times better.
Also my husband came home. He has been away on wk for 3 months, and has another 3 to do. We didn't think he would be able to get back at all but he managed to get a flight. I was so excited. Our relationship is trouble sometimes. I often feel unwanted and stupid. He has no passion and irritates the hell out of me. While he was away I did alot of thinking, and decided I'd wasted enough time not really committing to him, being unhappy and had given up on our marriage. I'd basically resigned myself to being married till the kids were grown in a mediocre marriage but not really happy. While he was away I change my mind, and decided that i needed to commit and contribute, and that was what I needed to do! However, since he's been back we have just slipped back into our usual ways which is very frustrating. I don't now how to fix it. Seems he is just another man who,aslong as his dick is looked after considers everything to be fine. Who wuda guessed. And yes I can keep up a fantastic sex life for two weeks but not forever. I don't know?.. More thinking I guess, and more accepting.

I'm pretty sure being thin will help me out here!